Monday, January 25th, 2016 at 11:00 am
When it comes to home maintenance, most people are interested in cutting costs as much as possible while still keeping everything running. This attitude tends to lead to homeowners calling for repairs only after they notice a problem with the system. While prompt repairs are certainly a good idea for keeping your furnace in good shape, they can't do the job all on their own. Let's take a look at why preventive furnace maintenance is just as important as prompt repairs, especially during winter.
The problem with waiting for a furnace issue to give off some warning sign before treating it is that you are still giving the issue time to develop. The longer furnace problems are left alone, the worse they tend to get. By the time you notice that your furnace has a problem, it may have already suffered severe damage. Preventive maintenance, on the other hand, focuses on finding and fixing potential problems before they have the chance to damage your furnace. By scheduling preventive maintenance at least once a year, you make it far less likely for serious issues to crop up and threaten the system.
Ideally, you should schedule furnace maintenance during the fall since that gives your HVAC technician time to get the system ready before winter sets in. However, if you have missed that window you should still call for maintenance as soon as possible. Winter puts furnaces under a much higher level of stress than they normally have to deal with, thanks to almost-daily use by homeowners. If your furnace doesn't get any seasonal maintenance at all, it will be far more susceptible to developing serious problems.